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We know how support areas of a company work. It is completely normal that management focuses on sales and production; however, we are convenced that support areas must contribute in every aspect: efficiency, productivity, optimization, alternate business generation, working environment, etc.

Latitud 19 provides these support areas with a philosophy of always add up to your intern client. Get all of your departments to contribute on achieving the company's goals and to increase profits through our Back-Office service. Even if you have your own support departments, we can help you transform the way they work to this value generating philosophy.


We give you the opportunity of keep focusing on creating more business for your company, without concerning if the support areas are actually working or not.


In order to complement the Back-Office, we have the following services:


Administrative managers


Financial analysts

Administration auxiliaires

Accounts receivable management


Logistic coordinators



Other activities management:

Marketing and business events organization

Marketing articles


Working environment improvement

Back-Office anch eng
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